Daniel G. Andújar

August 14, 2018

*1966 in Almoradí, ES, lives and works in Barcelona, ES


Let’s Democratise Democracy is an ongoing project that is represented at the exhibition by posters. It stands for the basic requirements of a healthy approach toward control and surveillance by the state, by authorities, and by people in positions of power: truly democratic democracy. The project has been translated to many languages and has been presented at various venues in Europe. It proclaims the slogan “Let’s Democratise Democracy” in different local contexts, and thus the work takes on a specific meaning at each location.

Andújar’s artistic practice encompasses critical use of digital media reacting to social issues, or interventions in public space with a political connotation, such as Let’s Democratise Democracy.

In a recent interview the artist claimed, that “[a]rt must be a sign of resistance to a political model that is increasingly hierarchical, diffuse, global and standardized. The public stage has become a sort of orchestrated video game – a frivolous, ridiculous operetta with a few recited parts that are performed daily before a people overwhelmed by the consequences of the crisis. The audience is immediately proscribed by the mass media and, therefore, defused before its fellow citizens dare ‘boo’ from the stands. This is the criminalization of protest, which leads to the brutalization of audiences implemented by refined political techniques – in short, to audiences that dare practise disobedience to the rules imposed by the institution, such as transgression, insubordination, the creation of new political experiences or the rehearsal of new voices. Democracy has become an aesthetic matter. I want to get away from unilateral, closed discourses affording no possibility for response, participation or interaction. We artists have a political function that requires clear ethical positions. Language can change the world – or should. This is one of the artist’s most effective tools.”

(Lívia Rózsás)


Daniels G. Anduhars
1966, ES, dzīvo un strādā Barselonā, ES

Demokratizēsim demokrātiju
Kopš 2011

“Demokratizēsim demokrātiju” ir projekts, kas aizvien turpinās, un izstādē tiek reprezentēts ar plakātiem. Tas atbalsta pamatprasības attiecībā uz veselīgu pieeju kontrolei un uzraudzībai, ko veic valsts, iestādes un cilvēki varas pozīcijās: patiesi demokrātisku demokrātiju. Projekts sludina saukli “Demokratizēsim demokrātiju” dažādos vietējos kontekstos, un tādējādi darbs katrā atrašanās vietā nedaudz maina nozīmi.

Anduhara mākslinieciskā prakse ietver digitālo plašsaziņas līdzekļu kritisku izmantošanu, reaģējot uz sociāliem jautājumiem, vai iejaukšanos publiskā telpā ar politisku konotāciju, piemēram, “Demokratizēsim demokrātiju.”
Nesen intervijā mākslinieks apgalvoja, ka „[m]ākslai ir jābūt pretestības pazīmei pret politisko modeli, kas arvien lielākā mērā ir hierarhisks, izkliedēts, globāls un standartizēts. (…) Demokrātija ir kļuvusi par estētisku jautājumu. Es vēlos attālināties no vienpusējiem, slēgtiem diskursiem, kas nedod iespēju reaģēt, piedalīties vai sadarboties. Mums māksliniekiem ir politiska funkcija, kas prasa skaidras ētiskās pozīcijas. Valoda var – vai tai vajadzētu – mainīt pasauli. Šis ir viens no mākslinieka efektīvākajiem instrumentiem. 1

Līvija Nolasko-Rožāsa

1 Cik svarīga ir māksla kā protesta forma? Vairāk nekā 50 respondentu aptauja no vairāk nekā 30 valstīm. Atrodama: Frieze.com, tiešsaistē: https://frieze.com/article/how-important-art-form-protest#Daniel%20G.%20Andújar